Lu Liu (刘璐)

Data Scientist

I am a fifth-year PhD student in College of Information Science and Technology at Pennsylvania State University advised by Prof. C Lee Giles. I am also a pre-doctoral research fellow in NICO and Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University advised by Prof. Dashun Wang. My research interests span science of science, computational social science and network science, with a focus on applying computational tools from machine learning and network science to understand and quantify the career trajectory of professionals in creative domains including artists, film directors and scientists. Before joining Penn State, I received my Bachelor and Master Degree in Physics from Fudan University.

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Journal Publications

Understanding the onset of hot streaks across artistic, cultural, and scientific careers
Lu Liu, Nima Dehmamy, Jilian Chown, C. Lee Giles, and Dashun Wang

Nature Communications 2021;

Hot streaks in artistic, cultural, and scientific careers
Lu Liu, Yang Wang, Roberta Sinatra, C. Lee Giles, Chaoming Song, and Dashun Wang

Nature 2018; Data and Code; arXiv preprint

Cleaning Noisy and Heterogeneous Metadata for Record Linking Across Scholarly Big Datasets
Athar Sefid, Jian Wu, Jing Zhao, Lu Liu, Allen Ge, Cornelia Caragea, Prasenjit Mitra, and C. Lee Giles

IAAI 2018

Scaling and volatility of breakouts and breakdowns in stock price dynamics
Lu Liu, Jianrong Wei, and Jiping Huang

Plos One 2013

Statistical physics view of pitch fluctuations in the classical music from Bach to Chopin: Evidence for scaling
Lu Liu, Jianrong Wei, Huishu Zhang, Jianhong Xin, and Jiping Huang.

Plos One 2013


July 2019, The 5th International Conference on Computational Social Science (IC2S2 2019), Amsterdam
July 2019, Tutorial on Computational Social Science of Science (IC2S2 2019), Amsterdam tutorial website and slides
June 2017, The International School and Conference on Network Science (NetSci2017), Bloomington
June 2017, The International School and Conference on Network Science (NetSci2017), Bloomington
June 2017, The 4th NetSci satellite on quantifying success, Bloomington
November 2016, Web of Science as a Research Dataset Workshop, Bloomington
November 2016, The 2th International Conference on Computational Social Science (IC2S2 2016), Evanston


Research Scientist Intern, Spotify, NYC, June 2018 - Augest 2018

Santa Fe Institute Complex Systems Summer School (CSSS), Santa Fe, June 2016 - July 2016